
Ice hockey slaughters Springbrook

By Julia Gabriel | Nov. 30, 1999, midnight | In Print »

The ice hockey team valiantly defeated Springbrook High School 11-1 on Friday night, warranting the mercy rule with four minutes left in the second period. Outstanding leadership and heightened energy helped Blair pull out the tremendous win.

Pool boys continue to trim times

By Katherine Epstein | Nov. 30, 1999, midnight | In Print »

Tyler Wilchek and Patrick Detzner placed second and third in the 50-yard freestyle event at the Montgomery County Championship meet on Saturday. Wilchek was one of only two swimmers to record a time under 23 seconds, a threshold he broke for the first time last weekend at divisionals. "[Wilchek] is in the very top tier in the 50 freestyle,” says coach David Swaney. "He just keeps getting faster and faster.”

This Year's Holiday TV Guide

By Emma Norvell | Nov. 30, 1999, midnight | In Print »

There are hundreds of Christmas specials on TV from now until New Years. Here is a list of just a handful of them.

Taking the trilingual perspective

By Fidan Karimova | Nov. 30, 1999, midnight | In Print »

Track crashes into Falcons' nest

By Jamie Kovach | Nov. 30, 1999, midnight | In Print »

Blair implements new fire drill policy

By Ellie Blalock | Nov. 30, 1999, midnight | In Print »

Blair has instituted a new fire drill policy for the new school year in which students are seated with their homeroom classes during a drill, rather than with the classes they have that period. This policy was in effect during the fire drill last Friday.

Bush declares war

By Kevin Chang | Nov. 30, 1999, midnight | In Print »

Tough battle yields loss for Ice Hockey

By Julia Gabriel | Nov. 30, 1999, midnight | In Print »

The ice hockey team lost 4-5 to Wootton High School due to poor play in the zone and a lack of intensity at the start of the match. The fast-paced game held both teams and fans in suspense and harbored high tempers.

A perplexing Pericles

By Robin Hernandez | Nov. 30, 1999, midnight | In Print »

Once again the Blair stage managed to bedazzle its audience with creative sets that simulated professional designs and a variety of interesting lighting selections for its production of Pericles. However the Shakespearean plot made for a complicated tale of love, adventure, and crime that that did not allow the actors to captivate the audience.

Colleges selling out

By Annie Peirce | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

With students across America spending hundreds of dollars on admissions and preparation classes for SAT tests and writing favorable college essays, it is comforting to know that colleges are spending even more than the students are in selling themselves.

Homework piles cramp blazers' styles

By Beth Gula | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

Chips hits the SAC for a slice of life

By Margaret Cassedy-Blum | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

It's no secret that at Blair the lunch bell signals the start of hundreds of off-the-wall conversations. On the week of Feb 24, Chips reporter Meg Cassedy-Blum overheard some unusual and hilarious dialogue.

Drug abuse more common in females

By Colby Chapman | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

Is it cool to be dumb?

By Amina Baird | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

There are five minutes left in sophomore Rocky Hadadi's Algebra II class, just enough time for the students to look over their grades on the last test. "Oh my God,” one of the students says, "I bombed that test so hard!” "Yeah?” one of the others challenges, "Well I got an E; how do you like that?” Two freshmen standing in the circle look sheepishly down at their A's and, in a split-second decision, cast the truth aside to join in on the bragging.

Mr. Gainous caught without ID

By Shewit Woldu | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

Mr. Gainous was caught without wearing his ID by a student, who then received a five-dollar credit towards her obligations for observing that he was not following the school policy.

Safety committee enforces new lunchtime hallway restrictions

By Edward Chan | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

The Safety Committee has begun patrolling hallways and stairwells during lunch, keeping out students without passes. Blair's administration is also more aggressively enforcing school policy in the hallways and might restrict students to the SAC during lunch.

High heels bring teenagers down

By Abigail Graber | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

"You can't beat a vampy high glam stiletto for nights on the town,” raves Steven Cojocaru on the People Magazine website, where he serves as resident fashion guru. What Cojocaru fails to mention is the hefty price tag on vamp: Strapping on stilettos, platforms and pumps to follow in J. Lo's bone-crunching footsteps can mean a lifetime of pain for teenage girls.

No end in sight

By Rocky Hadadi | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

"Iraq is steeped in history. It is the site of the Garden of Eden, of the Great Flood and the birthplace of Abraham. Tread lightly there.” On March 20, 2003, Lieutenant Tim Collins gave this advice to his battle group, the 1st Battalion of the Royal Irish at Fort Blair Mayne desert camp, 20 miles from the Iraqi border. Collins' words of advice to his troops could not be more correct—our involvement in Iraq should have been done with care, finesse and expertise. Instead, we refused to "tread lightly” and have tried to force our democratic ideals on a nation that continues to staunchly refuse them. In fact, the use of guerrilla warfare now by insurgents threatens to turn Iraq into another Vietnam.

Spirit at a standstill

By Sally Colwell | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

"Do we have to go?” one of my classmates asked a few weeks ago.  I begrudgingly got my books together and left class to attend yet another mandatory assembly dreamed up by Blair's administration, an event otherwise known as a pep rally.

Diversity at Blair after 50 years of Brown v. Board

By Karima Tawfik | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

Combs in hand, two black girls work diligently and delicately to finish cornrowing their friends' hair amidst the bustle of 5A lunch. Next to them, three Latino boys are sprawled out among the benches talking, and a few feet away, two white students finish their lunches before the whole group rises and joins the student body of the most diverse school in Montgomery County—a school that 50 years ago accepted only white students.

Pep Rally Approaching

By Shewit Woldu | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

Pep rally will be on Wednesday, March 31 and will be a combination of winter and spring sports.

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