
Abeni's Hot Sheet

By | Jan. 10, 2005, midnight | In Features »

Happy New Year Blazers. The theme for this month's Hot Sheet is New Year's Resolutions. I mean, who doesn't make New Year's Resolutions? Well, Blazers, I say we start this new year off with a bang. So, for the Blazers out there who are just starting to read The Hot Sheet this year, I hope you enjoy. A little background info on The Hot Sheet: well, it's all the HOT information on all the HOT things of today, like movies, fashion, advice, celebrity hook-ups and break-ups, T.V., what's in and what's out and a student fashion panel to give its opinion on today's fashion. Also, Blazers, since this is a New Year, I thought, how about change? Change is good, so I decided to bring in a friend of mine to help out on the article: sophomore Dilsia Menjivar. So, my fellow Blazers, it's time to pop open a bottle of Apple Cider because it's almost time. 5,4,3,2,1...Happy New Hot Sheet!

Silver Chips corresponds with an American soldier in Iraq

By Jody Pollock | Jan. 4, 2005, midnight | In Features »

Chief Warrant Officer Richard Mallick, a 1991 Blair graduate, has spent the last 10 months as an Aero Medical Evacuation Pilot with the 498th Medical Company in Iraq. In the heart of the battlefields, Mallick flies unarmed to transport sick and wounded soldiers to the nearest medical care centers, dodging bullets on the way. He is three months from completing his second tour of the war-torn country.

Blazers' New Year's resolutions

By | Dec. 22, 2004, midnight | In Features »

Silver Chips Online has compiled Blair students' New Years resolutions. Enjoy reading other students' and faculties' comments, and feel free to leave us your own in the comment box below.

Abeni's Hot Sheet

By | Dec. 1, 2004, midnight | In Features »

Howdy Blazers!  "What's that in the sky, it's a bird!" "No, it's a plane!" "No, it's the all new Silver Chips Online Hot Sheet, reporting for duty!"  Blazers, if you thought the last Hot Sheet was loaded, well this one's even better. Blazers, better put on your oven mits, because it's hot!  We don't call it the Hot Sheet for nothing!

Blazers fans continue to "Hail the Redskins" despite subpar seasons and bad breaks

By Kristi Chakrabarti | Nov. 15, 2004, midnight | In Features »

Nearly everybody at FedEx Field stands as Clinton Portis catches a pass from quarterback Mark Brunell. With each step Portis takes towards the goal line, the fans' cheers become louder. His final leap into the end zone after a 43-yard run is met with thunderous applause. With less than three minutes left in the game, Portis has scored the game-winning touchdown, until the referees take the lead away on a penalty.

Blazers question their sexual orientation

By Nora Boedecker | Nov. 15, 2004, midnight | In Features »

Margaret, a senior, flinches when she hears the word bisexual. She hates it. She feels that it makes other people think that you're in love with multiple people at the same time, but that is not the way she sees it. To her, being bisexual just means that she doesn't consciously exclude one sex when beginning a relationship. Her love is gender-blind.

Abeni's Hot Sheet

By | Oct. 26, 2004, midnight | In Features »

BLAZERS...I've got the Hot Sheet and it's loaded. I'm here to give you the heads up on everything, from fashion to movies to celeb hookups and even advice. Better take out your paper and pencils BLAZERS because I'm starting with the most important subject: fashion.

Three Blazers learn the finer side of fashion while on BBC show

By Emma Zachurski | Sept. 20, 2004, midnight | In Features »

Oodles of money, a good chunk of time devoted entirely to shopping, your own stylist and clothing stores of varied types waiting to give you the ultimate chic makeover equals the definitive dream for most aspiring fashionadas. However, in the case of seniors Erinn Johnson-Long, Clarence Turner and Susan Blythe-Goodman, this experience was no dream but rather an exciting opportunity for remodeling their fashion outlook and tastes.

Wisniewski, Anne

By Pria Anand | April 1, 2004, midnight | In Teacher Feature »

A young man arrived at a naval hospital in Bethesda during the Vietnam War, comatose after driving a truck into a brick wall. His prognosis was grim: doctors had little hope of recovery. Enter Anne Wisniewski and her fellow nurses. They walked him up and down his ward everyday, two propelling his legs and a third supporting him from behind. After a year, he could walk and talk independently.

Donaldson, Robert

By | April 1, 2004, midnight | In Teacher Feature »

Cheers filled the air as a person stepped up to the podium to speak. As the person started to speak, it suddenly became deathly still as his voice was carried all the way to the back of the crowd by the microphone. Robert Donaldson stood there in place, entranced, as he listened, his light blue eyes fixed on the speaker. It is August 28, 1963, during the famous March on Washington, the pinnacle of the Civil Rights Movement.

Holmes, Abigail

By | March 31, 2004, midnight | In Teacher Feature »

Special Ed teacher Abigail Holmes calmly sits in her chair with her legs crossed and a smile on her face. She wears a black dress and a pair of high-heeled shoes and leans onto her desk in a relaxed manner like a cat sitting by a sun-lit window.

Brandt, Karen

By | March 29, 2004, midnight | In Teacher Feature »

Karen Brandt politely asks the students in her room to turn the volume down on the television. The music video becomes less noisy as one of the ten or fifteen students presses a button on the remote.

Clay, Adam

By | March 17, 2004, midnight | In Teacher Feature »

Sitting behind his classroom's overhead projector, ninth grade English teacher Adam Clay twiddles his fingers. His eyes are tense as he realizes something important, and puts his hands on his knees.

Ivey, Sandra

By | March 16, 2004, midnight | In Teacher Feature »

Sandra Ivey sits down after deciding how long to heat her lunch in the English department's microwave. She has a welcoming smile that encourages friendlyconversations. In fact, her whole manner reflects her friendly personality, from her casual blue jeans to her face that is always accompanied by a grin.

Cannon, Lisa

By | March 16, 2004, midnight | In Teacher Feature »

A river in Vermont is at flood stage. Water rushes rapidly, pushing a woman into a fallen tree. Her friends watch in terror as the woman is helplesslytrapped, pinned between the tree and her kayak. But suddenly, she is able to save herself.

Mogge, James

By | Feb. 19, 2004, midnight | In Teacher Feature »

Leaning back in his office chair, James Mogge takes the time to recall his career in teaching. He places his hands behind his head, relaxed and focused on the questions at the same time. Mogge pauses for a second as he adds up the numbers in his head before revealing that he has taught at four different high schools over his 22-year career. He moves on to recollect the experiences of his life as a teacher.

Manuel, Anne

By | Feb. 18, 2004, midnight | In Teacher Feature »

Many people make a career decision right after they earn their college degree. However, there are others, like Anne Manuel, who decided to take chances and pursue adventures before settling down.

Costello, Maria

By | Feb. 18, 2004, midnight | In Teacher Feature »

Strum, Strum. Quietly but persistently, a lone guitar sings a song to all nearby. The melody seems out of place, alone, and the musician oblivious to his surroundings. Suddenly, a second pair of hands grabs the guitar, and wrench it from the owner's grasp. In a swift movement, the intruder swings the instrument through the air, straight at the guitarist's head. At the last moment, the attacker changes course, and the guitar instead smashes into a thousand pieces on the floor.

Ravilious, Rondai

By | Feb. 17, 2004, midnight | In Teacher Feature »

At 2:10 p.m., the rhythmic, pre-recorded bell sounds in Blair's hallways.Wading through the tide of rushing bodies and bulging backpacks, socialstudies teacher Rondai Ravilious pushes a paper-, book-, and file-filledcart on the way to her eighth-period classroom. Forty-six minutes andone AP World History class later, she works her way to the Social StudiesOffice but is stopped within the doorway when addressed by a student, ateacher, and an urgent telephone call.

O'Connor, Kelly

By | Feb. 17, 2004, midnight | In Teacher Feature »

Kelly Newman takes a break from her busy day of teaching classes full of eager students. She speaks to the other English teachers in room 141 during 5A lunch, her gestures radiating an aura of enthusiasm.

Class of 2004 acceptances and destinations

By | Dec. 11, 2003, midnight | In Features »

Club pep rally pictures

By | Dec. 2, 2003, midnight | In Features »

Blair kicks off its first club pep rally.

Dressing up for Halloween 2003

By | Oct. 31, 2003, midnight | In Features »

Blazers dress up at school for halloween.

Fall 2003 pep rally

By | Oct. 27, 2003, midnight | In Features »

Blazers show their spirit in the first pep rally of 2003.

School colors day pictures

By | Oct. 24, 2003, midnight | In Features »

Spirit week wraps up with school colors day.

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