
Start your engines

By David Zheng | April 25, 2008, midnight | In Features »

The thundering cheers of a thousand high school students electrify a packed stadium as six robots zip around a track in the center of a scene described by junior participant Karen Luk as "hell in a stadium." The timer ticks down to zero, and the stadium explodes into an even louder uproar as the robots make their final lap and cross the finish line.

Much ado about Maya

By Josie Callahan | April 23, 2008, midnight | In Features »

Junior Maya Baum is on the verge of insanity. She is a mother, grieving over the loss of her child–in iambic pentameter. In front of a panel of judges, other contestants and an audience, Baum takes the stage of the New Shakespeare Theater in Washington, D.C. to reveal the tragic tale of Constance from Shakespeare's "King John" in a heartfelt monologue. After months of rehearsal and preparation, she is among 30 other talented high school students from Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C. competing in the District's National Shakespeare Competition.

Rapping and tapping to the top

By Alisa Lu | April 19, 2008, midnight | In Features »

At 7:20 – 10 minutes before the advertised show time – the auditorium is filled with chaos as sponsor Danyel Hartfield and students scramble around the dimly lit hall to ensure the night goes off without a hitch. Snippets of music emerge from the speakers and disappear a few seconds later. The spotlights sweep across the stage and illuminate the students frantically running from both sides of the curtain. Twenty-five minutes later, their efforts are rewarded as senior emcees Claire Kalala and Claudia Rivas walk across the stage to commence the 2008 Mr. and Ms. Blazer competition.

Dirty little secret

By Kiera Zitelman | April 17, 2008, midnight | In Features »

On top of a black and white vertically striped background that resembles prison bars, someone wrote in thick black marker: "He's been in PRISON for two years because of what I did. Nine more to go." Next to a picture of a dog, another person scribbled, "If I had to save ONE person in the world, I would ALWAYS choose HER."

BLAIR PAIR: Do you dare to pair?

By | April 16, 2008, midnight | In Features »

Calling all Blair bachelor(ette)s! Are you on the lookout for love? Praying for the perfect prom date? Searching for that special someone to make your spring spectacular?

Treatment for the torpid

By Anika Manzoor | April 7, 2008, midnight | In Features »

It's an epidemic that sweeps the nation's high school seniors, devastating teachers everywhere in its wake. Very few are immune to its powerful charm. This imaginary virus infects its hosts in varying ways, and symptoms can range from the occasional neglect of homework and an excessive need to party to a half-day schedule and three classes with precarious 69.5 percent 'C' grades - including gym.

When age is the limit

By Sophie Schwadron | April 2, 2008, midnight | In Features »

Since he started at Blair, senior Willy Marte has worked hard to maintain an above-average GPA and an excellent attitude. His teachers can only sing his praises. But Marte is 19 years old and while he intends to stand proud in a cap and gown this May, for many in his situation, age is more than just a number - it is the deciding factor in the fate of their education.

De las calles hacia las urnas

By Mary Rodas | March 30, 2008, midnight | In Features »

Atravesando las veredas resbaladizas del parque de Takoma el martes por la mañana, estudiante del duodécimo grado Breton Sheridan trabaja con la misión de comunicar su mensaje simple y amable: "votar."

Pressure, pain and panic

By Brittany Allen | March 27, 2008, midnight | In Features »

In a cluttered teenage girl's bedroom, posters of punk rock bands like Television and The Stooges pepper the walls. Oddball trinkets and doodads line a dresser, clothes spilling from the drawers. In the center of the scene, a timid looking brunette sits on a bed, clutching what appears to be a sandwich: "Hello," a rosy-faced Juno MacGuff mutters into her novelty hamburger phone, "I need to procure a hasty abortion."

Blazers brush with fame

By Anika Manzoor | March 23, 2008, midnight | In Features »

Standing on the steps of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry, the Blair uniform-clad marching band plays their fight song while flag-bearing Players from "Beauty and the Beast" march energetically to the beat. Other Players join students from Paint Branch High School as majorettes in orange and cream uniforms, maintaining huge smiles as they perform a complex choreography with rifles. An entertained audience dances with the music. But the focus - of both the arbitrary bystander and the camera - is not on this grand spectacle but on a conversation between two seemingly inconspicuous people walking along the sidewalk - Russell Crowe and Rachel McAdams, two of Hollywood's biggest names.

A seriously funny hobby

By Gus Woods | March 22, 2008, midnight | In Features »

"So this blind guy asked for my number. I gave it to him because I consider myself an equal opportunity dater," senior Molly Martinez says as her audience bursts into laughter. Martinez, standing firm, confident and self-assured, delivers her jokes as if she were talking to a crowd of friends. But the 18-year-old comedian is performing in a dimly lit room in Chief Ike's Mambo Room bar in Adams Morgan amongst a crowd of patrons and seasoned comedians.

Freestyle Fry-day: quite a meal

By Johanna Gretschel | March 21, 2008, midnight | In Features »

A group of ten mobs the SAC stage, angling for a turn on the microphone. The cafeteria is about to burst with anticipation, the near-capacity crowd cheering and jeering as the next brave soul lets his rhymes fly. "Look at this fool, man, he thinks he's nice. He bought a fake ID so he could get lunch twice!" The crowd whoops in pleasure and the verdict is: officially fried.

Always after me lucky charms!

By Brittany Allen | March 17, 2008, midnight | In Features »

Senior Sally Hardin is no stranger to the quiet anxiety that precedes most auditions. She's been playing the tuba seriously throughout high school, most recently gracing the pit orchestra for the school's production of "Beauty and the Beast," while simultaneously balancing practice for the All-State competition earlier this March. But even if she's got the knack of appearing externally cool while standing in a crowded pit or showcasing skills for an audition board, Hardin has got to have one thing to really nail it: her little pink sock.

Kids-only no more

By Charles Kong | March 13, 2008, midnight | In Features »

There was once a time when video games were for little boys who came home from elementary school each day determined to advance to the next level in Duck Hunt, beat the next boss in Donkey Kong and save Princess Peach from the evil Bowser. A grown man who played was considered a dismal loner with no girlfriend, an introvert who lived with his parents or a couch-potato who ignored life's problems by gluing his eyes to the computer screen.

Beyond the blackboard

By Jenny Williams | March 10, 2008, midnight | In Features »

When Dewey Finn (Jack Black) walks into a private school classroom of fourth graders in the 2003 release "School of Rock," his students have no idea that their temporary teacher spends his time playing in a hardcore rock band. While Blair Boulevard may not be graced by wild substitutes who moonlight as punk stars, the teachers of Montgomery Blair carry an impressive, varied resume of personal hobbies.

The Go-to guy

By Josie Callahan | Feb. 29, 2008, midnight | In Features »

Board games aren't just for the bored, as sophomore Robert Wallace can testify. With his eyebrows knitted in concentration and his eyes sparkling with energy, he recounts his last quest to conquer the territory of a 19-by-19 board from his opponent. Strategy is essential – as are an open mind, quick decision-making skills and a cool temper – but Wallace says that these skills come with practice. Go, a Chinese board game and Wallace's favorite hobby, is certainly more than the average game of checkers.

Nursing a career

By Susie Branson | Feb. 29, 2008, midnight | In Features »

In the back of Blair's Career Center, a woman with straight brown hair sits patiently in front of a group of five eager girls. Spread before them is a wide variety of colorful flyers and pamphlets addressing a topic that will eventually affect every American. As a warm smile spreads across her face, registered nurse Megan Matthews begins to share the passion and experiences of her career and the reason for her visit - to help curb the shortage of nurses.

Spicing up Silver Spring

By Johanna Gretschel | Feb. 20, 2008, midnight | In Features »

The Baby Boomers had the Beatles — four dashing young Brits in matching suits — to hold their hands. For Generation "Me" Blazers, fond childhood memories are be conjured by none other than the Spice Girls — five stylish, harmonizing ladies from across the pond proclaiming girl power. The Beatles never reunited after their 1970 break-up, but luckily for Blazers, the Spice Girls proved that even after a six-year hiatus, their "friendship never ends;" the group reformed late last year for a reunion tour.

A lesson in love

By Ya Zhou | Feb. 14, 2008, midnight | In Features »

Once upon a time, Saint Valentine wrote a letter to his love while in jail, signing it "Your Valentine," a tradition that has evolved into the beloved Valentine's Day. While Saint Valentine's act of love may just be a legend, the Valentine's Day of today is characterized by all things romantic: couples, candies, roses and the occasional poem. Contributing to the festive spirit, Blair teachers recount their romantic proposal experiences, teaching that while there is no one proper way to propose, some basic steps are recommended.

From the streets to the polls

By Elsi Wu | Feb. 13, 2008, midnight | In Features »

Traversing the slippery sidewalks of Takoma Park Tuesday morning, senior Breton Sheridan tiptoes up a treacherous front walk that is quickly developing a sheer coat of ice to deliver a simple, friendly message: "vote."

Being the Blazer

By Alisa Lu | Feb. 8, 2008, midnight | In Features »

When former Olympian Dominique Dawes and then-Lieutenant Governor Kathleen Kennedy Townsend visited Blair on March 25, 2002, they were greeted by a red creature with black hair and silver horns — the Blazer. Luckily for the young gymnast, the figure in the Blazer suit was trying to flirt with her. But unfortunately for social studies teacher Lansing Freeman, men with red tails and horns probably were not her type.

Mourning those so far yet so close

By Anika Manzoor | Feb. 6, 2008, midnight | In Features »

Sophomore Nicolette Harley was playing cards with her brother when she heard the news. "Did you hear what happened?" her mother asked a bemused Harley, who replied, "No, what?" Hesitantly, her mother told her the news - Harley's all-time favorite actor had just been found dead. After checking CNN for verification, she found out that on Jan. 22, Heath Ledger had passed away from an overdose of drugs, leaving fans across the world heartbroken.

Underground sport on the rise

By Ya Zhou | Feb. 1, 2008, midnight | In Features »

Junior Aaron Kozloff zeroes in on the 13-foot wall before him. His eyes strain towards the obstacle and he hesitates momentarily. With a final resolve, Kozloff runs up the barrier in order to vault himself over the top ledge, but narrowly misses. "Only half-an-inch more," the four others surrounding him say encouragingly.

Silver shiver

By Josie Callahan | Jan. 15, 2008, midnight | In Features »

With holiday festivities past and exams upon us, the urge to roll out of bed and begin the trudge to school without changing out of those cozy sweat pants may be overwhelming. But despite the cold, many Blazers are still sizzling in the latest fashions, which will keep you toasty and trendy through ice, snow and scantrons.

The sounds of the musically talented

By Anika Manzoor | Jan. 13, 2008, midnight | In Features »

The cacophony of guitar strings and gossip suddenly ceases as music teacher Paul Newport holds up a hand for silence. Then, only harmonized voices and suppressed giggles can be heard as Newport runs through scales with the choir, occasionally making jokes and replacing the standard "fa-la-la-la-la" with names of students in the room. Conversation rises up again as Newport stops to tune the guitars but quiets once more as he holds a finger to his mouth and says, "Can you do this for me, everyone?"

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