

By Josie Callahan | Feb. 28, 2007, midnight | In Features »

On Jan. 27, Peace Studies teacher Joanne Malone positioned herself in the midst of a crowd of approximately 500,000 anti-war demonstrators, on the side street of the National Mall where she promised her first and third period peace studies students could find her. But for the students in Malone's Peace Studies classes, attending the protest was more than a show of expression; it was a homework assignment.

The BSA: scoring big time

By Gus Woods | Feb. 26, 2007, midnight | In Features »

In senior Jose Nieto's sophomore year, his GPA rose from 0.85 to 2.71. Now, he says, he has maintained a 3.0 since. His secret? The Blair Sports Academy.

Senior pranks: battle of the sexes

By Pia Nargundkar | Feb. 25, 2007, midnight | In Features »

When senior Garret Jones tickled his friend at lunch one day, he had no idea what he was getting himself into. The seemingly innocuous gesture caused the friend, fellow senior Sarah Kovar, to fall out of her chair. "I was really mad and I knew I had to get him back," Kovar says. And with that, the school-wide prank war had begun.

Flagging down inclusion

By Gus Woods | Feb. 22, 2007, midnight | In Features »

Upon returning to school from winter break, Blazers were greeted by a series of flags of the countries represented at Blair. But some students have expressed disappointment with the absence of their flag in the new cultural showcase. Now, the administration and the Media Center specialists who helped collect and mount the flags are requesting that students voice their concerns with them.

A feast fit for a valentine

By Mary Donahue, Ellie d'Eustachio | Feb. 14, 2007, midnight | In Features »

This Valentine's Day, Silver Chips Online sent two staffers off on a mission: to help you hopeless, and, more importantly, helpless romantics find the perfect Valentine's Day meal for your expectant Valentine. Seven grueling hours and two gallons of devils food cake batter later, those two staffers emerged (covered head to toe in flour and cocoa) with what could quite possibly be the fool-proof Valentine's Day feast.

Winter Wonderland

By Josie Callahan | Feb. 8, 2007, midnight | In Features »

February is here and it has brought us freezing temperatures and, well, not much else. But don't let the cold grey weather get you down! Silver Chips Online has compiled a list of fun, closeby winter activities guaranteed to help beat the winter blues. Whether you're into skating in the city, skiing in the mountains, or tubing down a giant hill, each of these places is car or metro accessible, and will help get you off the couch and into this year's winter wonderland.

Teachers vs. desks: a ceaseless struggle

By Gus Woods | Feb. 5, 2007, midnight | In Features »

As social studies teacher George Vlasits ponders how he should arrange the desks in his classroom, he must force himself to be selfish.

Behind the scenes of Blair

By Priyanka Gokhale | Jan. 29, 2007, midnight | In Features »

Every time a Blazer turns on a school computer, the Blair log in-screen pops up. Every day at 9:08 a.m., InfoFlow airs on all of the school's television screens. During every school play, a collection of 24 lights illuminate the stage. But where are the rooms and places that make these things happen? Chips has the answers for you.

The stitch of giving

By Maya Calabrese | Jan. 28, 2007, midnight | In Features »

Every Wednesday, room 157 is transformed from English classroom to knitting palace. Balls of yellow, red, purple and blue yarn are pulled apart and looped around needles as quiet voices exchange helpful hints and laughs. Heads down and fingers moving, the girls of Blair Stitch Project are hard at work.

TGI 2:10

By Boris Vassilev | Jan. 24, 2007, midnight | In Features »

For Blazers, 2:10 p.m. is a rush of many things: end-of-the-day relief, hallway collisions, pizza orders and… sugar?

The best of Bollywood entertainment!

By Priyanka Gokhale, Poorva Singal, Rachita Sood | Jan. 23, 2007, midnight | In Features »

It's the largest film industry in the world. It starts with a "B," (as in Bombay), and rhymes with Hollywood. Just in case you still don't get it, we're talking about Bollywood – the Indian film industry that produces around a 1000 movies a year, twice that of Hollywood.

A holiday refuge

By Gus Woods | Dec. 23, 2006, midnight | In Features »

Amid stacks of papers, mugs of hot cocoa and a half-eaten plate of cookies, a number of weary teachers seek refuge from the pre-holiday pressures raging outside their small room in the media center. An atmosphere of calm and quiet is in the air. All that is needed to complete the picture is a crackling fire and a snow-capped mountain vista through the window.

The season for giving!

By Julia Mazerov | Dec. 22, 2006, midnight | In Features »

The holiday season is in full swing, and dozens of charities are in desperate need of your help in order to extend the joy of Christmas time to those that are less fortunate. Silver Chips Online has compiled a list of local organizations that need your help in the immediate future.

Taking the 'Christ' out of Christmas

By Pia Nargundkar | Dec. 19, 2006, midnight | In Features »

The Thanksgiving leftovers are almost all gone, the salt trucks are gearing up to melt away the snow, and Blazers are getting ready for Christmas. To the resentment of some and the delight of others, the celebration of Christmas is becoming less religion-exclusive and more of an American tradition. So whether you are Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, atheist, any combination or variation of the previous, or something completely different, it's increasingly likely that you'll be doing something in the spirit of the holiday.

The wonderful world of Christmas trees

By Maya Calabrese | Dec. 16, 2006, midnight | In Features »

You have done all your shopping, put up the lights and baked the cookies. Now there is only one thing missing: the tree. Unless you have an artificial tree in your basement, waiting to be set up and plugged in, the time to get the perfect tree is passing by. To make your search a little easier, here are a few local places that have satisfied Blazers' tree needs year after year.

It's a wonderful light

By Iliya Smithka | Dec. 12, 2006, midnight | In Features »

December's already here, and the countdown to the winter holidays has officially begun. With exams coming soon after Winter Break, everyone can use some holiday cheer at the end of the year. These five local holiday hot spots light up during the holiday season, with light displays, Christmas trees, live music and nativity scenes.

A controversy from the start

By Erica Turner | Dec. 5, 2006, midnight | In Features »

Sitting behind his desk and leaning back in his chair, principal Phillip Gainous reminisces about Blair's controversial construction filled with racism, angry committees and student led walkouts. These were all factors surrounding the decision to build Blair at its current location in Four Corners.

Anything but handicapped

By Gus Woods | Dec. 4, 2006, midnight | In Features »

In Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Samath Warren and his soccer teammates were practicing for a game the following day. The team scrimmaged, ran laps and practiced their passing, dribbling and shooting. After practice, the other players left the pitch tired and thirsty, maybe a little hungry, but generally in sound condition. Warren left the pitch with blisters and rub burns that his teammates didn't have, nursing the effects of a new prosthetic leg. It may seem as if Warren struggles to play as well as his teammates, but Warren's love of sports and resilient spirit allow him to do just that.

Creating "A Christmas Carol"

By Madeline Raskulinecz | Nov. 29, 2006, midnight | In Features »

On an October afternoon, a crowd of 50 students hum "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen," an old English carol, and tap their feet to keep the beat. Junior Malcolm Foley hoists 8-year-old Rachel Arbacher onto his shoulders as he utters that famous line: "God bless us, every one."

Canned food mid-season report

By Priyanka Gokhale | Nov. 17, 2006, midnight | In Features »

'Tis the season to be giving &mdash at least that's the basis for this year's SGA-sponsored canned food drive. But with the drive coming to a close, Blair classes have their eyes on the ball &mdash er, breakfast party &mdash offered to the winning class.

A whole new world

By Josie Callahan | Nov. 9, 2006, midnight | In Features »

A girl with neon pink leggings, a floral print green dress, gold fairy wings and red rain boots darts quickly through the SAC toward a group of her friends, who are all clad in equally outrageous apparel. Blair Boulevard is alive with decorations of the board games Life, Clue, Candyland and Monopoly. On the way to class one might pass a paper mountain or a giant crossword puzzle on the walls of the hallways. This was the start of spirit week 2006, in which Blair students eagerly anticipated and embraced, while 11 teenage visitors to America stood amid the enthusiasm and chaos in awe.

Out to lunch

By Lois Bangiolo | Nov. 6, 2006, midnight | In Features »

The lunch bell has rung. But instead of heading for the SAC, pulling out a lunch to eat or standing in the cafeteria line, Amy, a junior, walks straight out the Colesville side door. Ignoring Blair's closed lunch policy, she leaves campus for McDonald's, risking suspension for a bite of freedom and fast food.

Cool carving

By Kate Harter | Oct. 31, 2006, midnight | In Features »

When Halloween rolls around, many preparations for the big day come along with it. You have to get a great, original costume; you have to stock up on tons of candy for the neighborhood kids; you have to plan your night well, whether it involves trick-or-treating, going to a party or watching scary movies with friends; and you have to carve a great jack-o-lantern for your doorstep.

Halloween scare spots

By Miriam Ragen, Ixchel Montenegro | Oct. 31, 2006, midnight | In Features »

Traditions can be fun; trick-or-treating on Halloween, turkey on Thanksgiving and fireworks on the Fourth of July, but sometimes these activities can become monotonous. If you are craving an adrenaline-filled Halloween night, try going to the local haunted places.

For believers only

By Elsi Wu | Oct. 30, 2006, midnight | In Features »

One of the ongoing perks of living just outside the nation's capital is being constantly surrounded by a range of historical landmarks. But, in the spirit of Halloween and all things ghoulish and ghastly, "historical" has become synonymous with "haunted." Although hard to distinguish amid the modern roads and power lines today, old communities such a Rockville, Sandy Spring and Silver Spring boast some of the most dated and most notoriously haunted places in the area. According to Shannon O'Rourke of the Montgomery County Historical Society, "everything around here's supposed to be haunted."

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