Si alguien en el área de Columbia Heights en Washington, D.C. tiene algún problema de salud, son admitidos a Upper Cardoza Clinic. Son revisados por un doctor, quien los diagnostica y trata la enfermedad. Pero estos pacientes también son revisados por un ayudante del doctor. Para algunos pacientes, este ayudante puede muy bien ser su compañero de la escuela.
Con las miles de personas que se reunieron alrededor de la capital protestando las leyes injustas y discriminatorias para los inmigrantes, uno hubiera creído que si una buena resolución no se hubiera alcanzado por lo menos se habría llegado a algún tipo de solución.
Cada mañana, los estudiantes de la escuela primaria Rolling Terrace en Silver Spring recitan el juramento de fidelidad a la bandera, primero en inglés y después en español. Es un ritual que simboliza lo que ocurrirá el resto del día para algunos de los estudiantes; ellos pasan la mitad de su día hablando solamente en inglés y el resto del día hablando solamente en español.
El BNC Semester Shakedown será aplazado el viernes, el 9 de marzo desde las 7 de la noche hasta las 10:30 de la noche en Blair. El baile está abierta a estudiantes que asisten cualquier escuela en el condado Montgomery y que tienen su identificación de su escuela. Los estudiantes pueden pagar para la entrada cerca del SAC por $4 empezando el lunes pasado. Boletos sean vendidos para $8 a la puerta el noche del baile.
Argentina ya tenía un gol contra Serbia y Montenegro cuando Esteban Cambiasso recibió un pase y pateó la pelota detrás del portero. El 16 de junio del año pasado, Argentina ganó este juego con una ventaja de seis goles. Solo ocho días después, Maximiliano Rodríguez marcó el gol que ganó el juego y Argentina avanzó a los cuartos de final.
Una noche hace muchos, muchos años atrás, tres camellos paseaban por el desierto, sus cascos dejaban huellas en la arena. Tres reyes se sentaron majestuosamente en las sillas, sus ojos fijos en el brillo de una luz única: la Estrella del Norte.
The Blair Pom Squad won the third-place team award and third-place captain award at an invitational Liberty Belle Competition held at Magruder High School on Jan. 13. Blair competed against five other high schools at the competition, which began at 12 p.m.
Hay veinte estudiantes en cada clase. La mayoría de los maestros normalmente están satisfechos con este número, pero realmente, para las clases de ESOL, es un número demasiado alto. Los estudiantes de ESOL necesitan estar en clases más pequeñas para que puedan recibir la atención individual que necesitan. Estos estudiantes, además de aprender inglés, tienen problemas en cómo adaptarse a los EE.UU. y en cómo comunicarse con sus familias, que algunas veces no han visto por mucho tiempo.
En enero de este año, una muchacha de El Salvador se vino a los EE.UU. dejando a sus hermanos y a sus abuelos en su país natal. Se mudó a Silver Spring para estar con sus padres quienes habían venido aquí desde que ella era pequeña. Imna Sanchez, del noveno grado, está en el proceso de asimilar la cultura de los EE.UU. y la de Blair.
Desde que son pequeños, ellos bailan. Ya sea con sus familias o con sus amigos, siempre bailan. Así es la cultura dominicana, y así es como Braulio Salas, del duodécimo grado y el presidente del Club Hispano, creció. Durante cada fiesta y cada quinceañera, tomó lo que aprendió de su mamá y lo mejoró. Fueron estas experiencias en las que Salas reflexionó mientras subía por la escalera para reunirse con sus amigos, despues que terminó de bailar salsa con su compañera Rosa Figueroa, del onceavo grado, en la Séptima Competencia Anual del Baile Latino.
De acuerdo con el Institute for Intergovernmental Research, casi 50 por ciento de los miembros jóvenes en pandillas en los Estados Unidos son hispanos, según datos conseguidos de los años 2001 al 2004. Además, el National Center for Education Statistics reporta que el 44,2 por ciento de los estudiantes hispanos entre las edades de 16 a 24 años nacidos fuera de los EE.UU., el 14,6 por ciento de la primera generación en los EE.UU. y el 15,9 por ciento de la segunda generación, dejan la escuela sin terminar. Está claro que los jóvenes hispanos están en crisis, pero la comunidad de Blair está trabajando para dar el apoyo necesario para que los estudiantes latinos tengan éxito.
Como las elecciones del año 2006 se avecinan, los candidatos en Maryland están trabajando para lograr apoyo. Las campañas emplean una variedad de estrategias para asegurar la victoria, por ejemplo: hablando con los votantes, publicando y transmitiendo anuncios por la radio y la televisión.
Este va a ser el primer año completo de la Academia de deporte de Blair (BSA), la cual fortalecerá los programas que dan apoyo a lo académico y ofrecerá nuevos programas para atraer a más chicas, según José Segura, el especialista de recreación de MCPS.
Los Blazers participaron en la primera evacuación de emergencia del año escolar después de recibir sus carnés de identificación durante las clases de "homeroom" entre los períodos uno y tres.
Four Blair students and Spanish teacher Dora Gonzalez traveled to El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala from May 25 to May 31. The all expenses-paid trip, sponsored by TACA Airlines, is part of a program developed last year called "TACA te lleva a tus raíces" that is meant to reward high-achieving students of Hispanic descent in the United States. The Blair group was joined by a Spanish teacher and three students from Richard Montgomery High School.
Cuando Misael Cruz, del grado nueve, oyó un helicóptero sobre su cabeza, sintió un salto en su corazón. Después de pagar $3.000 para ser escoltado ilegalmente a través de algunas 1.500 millas entre El Salvador y la frontera de los EE.UU. y Méjico, Cruz entró a tierra americana — solamente para ser descubierto por la patrulla de la frontera de los EE.UU.
Sombreros y mantas coloradas decoran los paredes de El Golfo, donde la música Latina suena calladita en el fondo. El dueño de El Golfo, José Villatoro, sonríe mientras que observa orgullosamente su restaurante. Aunque nunca creyó que podía hacer todo lo que ha hecho, el restaurante de Villatoro atrae gente diversa en busca de un ambiente familiar.
After returning home from a tour through Ireland over spring break, I was disappointed to find that because I was not 18, I was unable to eat and enjoy traditional Irish music and dancing after 9 p.m. in a pub back in Ireland. The only pub my friends and I were able to eat in (at 6 p.m.) was a place named O'Neill's, a cozy pub in Dublin that served buffet-style meals. Fortunately for me and residents in and around Silver Spring, McGinty's Public House has recently opened, providing authentic Irish culture to downtown Silver Spring and City Place Mall.
Today over 350 students participated in the nationwide Day of Silence by not speaking throughout the day in support of gay rights, according to history teacher Mary Thornton, the sponsor of the Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) Club.
The weekend of April 15 marked the 90th anniversary of the Irish uprising against British rule. Thousands gathered outside the General Post Office on Parnell Street in Dublin, Ireland, where the Proclamation of Independence was read to celebrate the anniversary, according to The Irish Times.
There is something more to St. Patrick's Day than wearing green and pinching your friends for not wearing green: the cultural exchange through food. Though many associate the Irish with potatoes, many of their recipes are considered gourmet. These simple, traditional recipes are a great way to celebrate the culture of St. Patrick's Day without all the commercialism.
Shirley Brandman, a candidate for Montgomery County Board of Education At-Large, formally launched her campaign on March 4 from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Gwendolyn Coffield Community Center in Silver Spring. Officials including County Councilman Steve Silverman, State Delegate Jane Lawton and friends in support of Brandman gathered to celebrate her candidacy.
Four actors stand in a circle, rolling their heads, breathing deeply and meditating in a room of the Roundhouse Theatre Educational Center on Feb. 8. They are releasing their stress and preparing to leave their own personalities, thoughts and feelings for each another being. These actors, like actors in any play, must cease being themselves to assume the roles of their characters.
It is a Sunday afternoon in Old Town Takoma Park and the shops on Carroll Avenue are bustling with people. Bells ring as customers filter in and out of stores carrying bags, holding their children's hands and completing errands. Vendors at the Farmer's Market are packing up their remaining produce into trucks and vans. The clock at the center of Old Town reads 2:15 p.m. It is windy outside, but the sun is shining and the storefront windows decorated with merchandise, mannequins and glittery hangings invite passerbys to enter.
Lights illuminate the stage decorated by a painted purple curtain opening to a painted starry sky. A woman is standing in the foreground, one hand covered by a long black glove, clasping a microphone while the other hand rests by her side. Her shoulders carry a black feather boa embellished by blue glitter strands. Her dress is black and strapless, revealing a bare neck decorated with a diamond necklace. Three men are seated in the corners and back of the stage; one at a grand piano, another on the bass and the third on the drums. Blair CAP and SPARC teacher Pamela Bryant's face shines as she smiles, about to perform "Route 66," her first song of the night at the Fifteenth Annual East Coast Jazz Festival, held Feb. 16 through Feb. 20 at the Doubletree Hotel in Rockville.
Handed down from generation to generation, this Greek family recipe is home cooking at its finest. This dish is not only easy to make, but is sure to please everyone at the table with its hearty meat sauce and distinct egg flavoring. Spaghetti-in-the-oven can almost be a meal in and of itself. Just serve this alongside a crisp Caesar salad and you'll have a dinner (not to mention leftovers) fit for the Greek gods themselves.
The Blair Pom Squad won the second place team award, the third place captain award and the spirit award at the MCPS Pompon Championship competition held today in the Blair gymnasium. Blair competed against six other Division II schools at the competition, which began at 9:30 a.m.
During Magnet Arts Night, the auditorium was bursting with people. All seats were occupied and some people had to stand in the back and in the aisles. The audience grew silent as senior Sarah Peitzmeier delicately moved her fingers across the keys of a grand piano performing "Ballade No. 4 in F minor, Op. 52" by Frederic Chopin. The piece officially began the 2006 Magnet Arts Night held yesterday at 7:30 p.m. in Blair's auditorium.
A fundraising event for Jamie Raskin featuring various poets and writers will be held Sat. Feb. 11 from 4 to 7 p.m. at Mayorga Coffee Factory. Raskin is running for Maryland Senate representing Takoma Park and Silver Spring (District 20).
Blazer Avi Silber, a junior, performed his rap song "Forecast" at the Sidwell Friends monthly Arts Guild in Washington, D.C. last Friday, Jan. 20. This was his third time performing at the event.
Last Holiday
The Washington Ethical Society (WES) will be holding an informational meeting Jan. 8 at their DC headquarters concerning its annual service trip to El Salvador, according to trip leader Peggy Goetz. The meeting will begin at 12:45 p.m. and conclude at 2 p.m.
Blair's football field conditions have not improved despite the partial resodding of the middle of the field in the fall of 2004, according to Dale Miller, Blair Athletics Director.
With the holidays comes gift giving, sleeping and visiting with family, but no winter would be complete without great food. The aroma of hot chocolate and cookies baking are enough to soothe any cold soul. Whether you are an inexperienced cook or an expert one, these five recipes will be a fun and tasty addition to your cold holiday nights.
Hundreds of Takoma Park residents filed into the atrium of the new Takoma Park Community Center on Maple Ave. to celebrate its grand opening yesterday. The event, which began at 2:00 p.m., marked the first open house of newly built portions of the center since construction began two to three years ago.
This year's powderpuff football game, originally scheduled for Oct. 26, has been cancelled after several attempts to reschedule, according to senior Sayoh Mansaray, President of the Senior Class Council in the SGA.
Students for Global Responsibility (SGR) is organizing a group of students to help Friends of Sligo Creek remove invasive vines from Sligo Creek Park tomorrow, Oct. 27. The club will meet in the SAC at 2:20 p.m. and 3:10 p.m. and will provide transportation to the park.
A walk to support the awareness of disabled people in the workforce was held on Oct. 23 in Sligo Creek Park in Takoma Park. The event was scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. and featured a speech by Billy Wright, the organizer of the event.
The annual open Diversity Workshop was held at Blair last Thursday after school to allow students, parents and teachers to talk about discrimination and how to recognize and stop stereotyping groups. The workshop was held in the SAC on Oct. 6 and a leader training session was held on Saturday, Oct. 8, 2005. The workshop, which attracted about 30 participants, began after school at 3:30 p.m. and lasted until 8 p.m.
The coconut chips, mango slices and cucumber slices are all in plastic Ziploc bags. Umbrellas cover the stands and shopping carts hold the fruit that gets periodically peeled and sliced. Here is a group of women holding on to the culture of their native country while trying to make a living everyday on the four corners of Merrimac Drive and 14th Avenue.
Las pastas de coco, el mango cortado y las rajas de pepino están todos en bolsas plásticas de Ziploc. Los paraguas cubren los carritos con soportes en donde compras las frutas que son pelados y cortados periódicamente. Aquí hay un grupo de mujeres que sobreviven a través de la cultura de comida y frutas de su país nativo para tratar de ganar el dinero cada día en los cuatro rincones de Merrimac Maneja y la avenida 14ta.
Blair seniors Natasha Coleman, Sebastian Johnson and Sayoh Mansaray are semifinalists in the National Achievement Scholarship Program, an award given to outstanding black high school seniors. Twenty-two seniors in MCPS have been recognized as scholarship semifinalists.
Military recruitment "opt-out" forms are available to all students who do not wish that the military obtain personal information through the Montgomery County School System, according to the Committee on Recruitment Issues at Blair. The forms are due to the main office by Sept. 16.
Outside the rush of downtown Silver Spring and chain restaurants lies Addis Ababa, a traditional, culturally-decorated Ethiopian restaurant that provides great food and a great excuse to eat with your hands.
Bright lights, sidewalk music and the coming and going of hundreds of people everyday are the new Downtown Silver Spring. Over the past few years, in an effort fueled by the hard work of Montgomery County Executive Doug Duncan, Silver Spring's old buildings, crime and trash have been systematically replaced with bright colors, music, a multiplex movie theater and chain food stores.
El Centro de Juventud Latinoamericano en Washington, D.C.
Yenny Miranda presenta con orgullo y seguridad su baile en la categoría "mejor presentación.”
Braulio Salas y Rosa Figueroa terminan su baile de salsa con satisfacción.
Bailey's Irish Creme Brulee is a savory blend of powdered sugar and delicate flavor.
Students discuss the importance of the Day of Silence in showing the school, community and nation the struggles of homosexuals in attaining respect and understanding.
Blazers participate in the Breaking the Silence discussion held at 2:10 p.m. following the Day of Silence event to protest discrimination of homosexuals.
Students set up tables at two entrances of the school where they passed out stickers, information sheets and had petitions signed.
Blazers participate in the Breaking the Silence discussion held following the 2007 Day of Silence event to protest discrimination of homosexuals.
Students from Sherwood High School's Shoutout Club engaged the 7th period Peace Studies class in a discussion about the effectiveness of health classes in Montgomery County. The Sherwood students brought their club to Blair as a way to exchange programs after Blair's Diversity Workshop members held a workshop for sophomores at Sherwood March 23.
Students from Sherwood High School's Shoutout Club engaged the 7th period Peace Studies class in a discussion about the effectiveness of health classes in Montgomery County. The Sherwood students brought their club to Blair as a way to exchange programs after Blair's Diversity Workshop members held a workshop for sophomores at Sherwood March 23.
Irish Soda Bread is a traditional dish made using only a few ingredients to produce a thick, delicious snack.
This stew, filled with vegetables and lamb, is a perfect meal to eat on a cold day.
This authentic dish combines potatoes, kale and cheese to create a flavorful taste and soft texture.
This stew, filled with vegetables and lamb, is a perfect meal to eat on a cold day.
A woman debates where to place her four sticker dots on the posters put up detailing various educational issues such as bullying, safety and grading policies. These posters were used to learn what issues were most important to the people attending the event.
BOE candidate Shirley Brandman discusses her opinions concerning standardized testing with two students who attented the event.
Junior Rebecca Graber makes notes as the actors rehearse the play. Graber is the director of this year's Sarah Play, "The Crucible."
Actors in "The Crucible" rehearse at the Roundhouse Education Center.
"Manifold Destiny" provides chefs with a new way to cook delicious meals. Replace the conventional ways of cooking with ovens with car engines.
A popular exhibit at this year's light show at Brookside Gardens is a sea dragon that breathes smoke. The annual event begins in November and ends in January.
Blair's football field remains in poor condition, but resodding the field would cost about $50,000.