
Bocce on the rise

By Amy Forsbacka | Feb. 7, 2017, 12:59 p.m. | In Features »

Junior Falla Mathieu bends down. After a moment of concentration, she gently tosses a ball forward. It bounces once, twice, then glides down the gym floor before coming to stop. It's now the closest to the yellow ball, and Blair wins the game. The sport is bocce, and a small but dedicated crowd goes wild for Blair's close victory.

Measuring snow in pencils instead of inches

By Nikita Singh | Jan. 25, 2017, 10:06 p.m. | In Features »

"Hey, it's supposed to snow next week! Do you think we'll have a day off?" "Maybe; What does MoCo Snow say?"

Skate like a girl

By Ryan Handel | Jan. 25, 2017, 1:31 p.m. | In Features »

The casual observer might not even realize that Blair hockey number nine is sophomore Mollie Dalbey, the only girl on the Blair ice hockey team.

The story behind the ink

By Ellie Williams | Jan. 15, 2017, 7:46 p.m. | In Features »

Is there anything you'd be willing to have inked on your body for the rest of your life? For some, a display so permanent might seem like a mistake, but others think tattoos are a cool way of expressing oneself through art. For a few Blazers, tattoos are a way of connecting and paying tribute to loved ones.

A Classier Classroom

By Neva Taylor | Jan. 9, 2017, 1:17 p.m. | In Features »

A common misconception about Blair is that it's easy to get lost traversing the halls because of the school's size. What really makes it hard to find your way is that all the classrooms look the same. Imagine if each room had its own unique decor or theme, making them easy to distinguish not just by the number on the door, but by what it actually looks like.

A steaming cup of comfort

By Zoe Friedman | Jan. 2, 2017, 2:35 p.m. | In Features »

The Cups club is a student-run club that works in conjunction with 7 Cups of Tea, an organization that connects trained listeners, therapists and counselors online with people who need to talk to someone. Every Friday during sixth period lunch, the members of Cups club act as student-listeners.

State pride reaches far and wide

By Amy Forsbacka | Dec. 19, 2016, 9:24 p.m. | In Features »

It's everywhere. It finds its way onto athletic wear, shorts, sweatshirts and hats. People are obsessed with it. Its presence is so constant that that the average Marylander doesn't even notice it anymore. What is it? It's the coolest state flag of all: the red and white cross and black and yellow checkers of Maryland.

The Blazer Spirit

By Nate Bodner, Neva Taylor | Dec. 17, 2016, 2:05 p.m. | In Features »

Whether as a player on the field or a spectator in the stands, being on a winning team is a fantastic feeling. The players give it their all, the spectators yell and cheer, the parents hold their breath and the clock winds down. Then it's over. The buzzer goes off and all that exciting energy is dispersed over the crowd as people cheer and hug, and players and coaches alike high five and celebrate.

Tamales for Christmas?

By Mehana Daftary | Dec. 16, 2016, 1:38 p.m. | In Features »

Walking down Blair Boulevard during a typical lunch period, you'll hear multiple languages and see people of different ethnicities, religions and cultures from all over the world. There are many students who have just recently immigrated to the United States, and others who have been here their entire lives. Wherever they come from, all Blazers experience the same American holidays, but in very different ways.

Finding the finest fountain

By Charles Lott | Dec. 6, 2016, 8:11 p.m. | In Features »

Sometimes the water fountains in public schools get a bad rap. They're lukewarm, covered in chewing gum, and often the water isn't as clear as water should be. But could there be a diamond in the rough? Here is a comprehensive study of all of Blair's water fountains, along with SCO's choice for the best one in the school.

How to trade a paperclip for an Xbox

By Nate Bodner, Charles Lott | Nov. 28, 2016, 2:15 p.m. | In Features »

What ever happened to the barter system? A little research into modern instances of bartering leads to a Montreal man who traded his way from a red paperclip up to a house. We decided to prove that Montreal ain't got nothing on Blair.

Picking up the pieces

By Amy Forsbacka | Nov. 15, 2016, 2:10 p.m. | In Features »

The explosion that ripped through a Long Branch apartment building this summer also tore apart many of the lives of the families affected. Heard from a mile away, the explosion killed seven and left many others displaced. The community pitched in to attend to the immediate needs of the victims, but two months later, numerous families are still in need.

Social Media Showdown: Instagram vs Snapchat

By Zoe Friedman | Nov. 10, 2016, 12:57 p.m. | In Lifestyle »

Instagram and Snapchat both have more than 200 million monthly users. But which one is better: the 'Gram or Snapchat? While both Instagram and Snapchat allow users to connect with friends and even celebrities through photos and videos, each app is unique.

Grandiosa celebración del Día de los Muertos

By Gisell Ramirez | Nov. 1, 2016, 6:43 p.m. | In Features »

Día de los Muertos es celebrado desde el 1 de noviembre hasta el 2 de noviembre. Para personas que no participan en esta celebración, estos días pueden ser confusos, pero para la cultura mexicana, estos momentos son para celebrar la vida.

Comunidad Latina se prepara para elegir al nuevo Presidente

By Gisell Ramirez | Oct. 27, 2016, 12:08 a.m. | In Features »

La elección para elegir al presidente de los Estados Unidos será el 8 de noviembre. A solo días de la elección, el voto Latino es esencial porque es el que va a determinar quién gana.

Behind-the-scenes of Blair's Homecoming

By Mehana Daftary | Oct. 25, 2016, 10:24 p.m. | In Features »

Homecoming week is very important around Blair. The majority of the student body takes part in the week's festivities, but the work starts months earlier for the people who put it all together. Making sure that the football game, spirit week, pep rally and dance run smoothly is a joint effort by the Student Government Association (SGA) and by a select group of dedicated students and staff.

If Blair were a school of 100 students...

By Adeola Vassall, Charles Lott | Oct. 25, 2016, 8:45 p.m. | In Features »

Blair is always portrayed as one of the most diverse schools in Montgomery County, but what does that really mean? An easier way to look at the makeup of Blair's Blazers is on a scale of one school of one hundred students.

A day in the life of Blair's principal

By Neva Taylor, Charles Lott | Oct. 19, 2016, 1:17 p.m. | In Features »

Ms. Renay Johnson is the principal of Blair, but her daily activities are something of a mystery for Blair's Blazers. What really goes into a day in the life of Blair's principal?

Sitting down for what is right

By Nate Bodner | Oct. 15, 2016, 2:26 p.m. | In Features »

Before the 2016 National Football League (NFL) season began, standing for the national anthem was, from professional stadiums all the way down to small grass high school fields, a given. Now, by virtue of Colin Kaepernick, a quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, the national anthem has become another way for people to protest injustice.

Blazers find a new frequency

By Eleanor Cook | Sept. 22, 2016, 12:57 p.m. | In Features »

"You're listening to WOWD-LP and this is Block Period." It's 10 p.m. on a Friday night. While most people are just getting into the swing of the weekend, Blair seniors Max Kittner, Maia Pramuk, Mika Yatsuhashi, Olivia Lindsley and Vivian Bauer are hosting a radio show.

Meet the new Blair SGA

By Maniza Habib | July 11, 2016, 10:07 p.m. | In Features »

Pep rallies, the blood drive, fundraisers and dances don't run themselves. Officers in the student government association (SGA) strive to ensure that students have the best possible high school experience possible. But who are the new faces behind the SGA?

Getting to know you

By Benjamin Yokoyama | June 30, 2016, 9:24 p.m. | In Features »

It's senior year, and students have to figure out what they're doing after they graduate. Some students look around for jobs or apprenticeships, but for most students, their time will be spent going through the arduous college application process. Students are applying to the schools of their dreams and are putting every aspect of their life out there for complete strangers to read.

What's trending at Blair?

By Lauren Frost, Maniza Habib | June 19, 2016, 9:01 p.m. | In Features »

Although selfies, dance trends, rants, cute pets, and more selfies are the usual content that flood our Twitter feeds, social justice movements have also begun to dominate.

A Musical Balancing Act

By Ellie Struewing | May 23, 2016, 6:45 p.m. | In Features »

It's one thing to have a job to make money, but often it's all too easy to get stuck in a routine and forget to be creative. "I think it's important that when people get older that they don't give up their artistic interests. Even though I'm 49, I don't think it's silly that I'm trying to play in rock and roll bands," Mayo says. Mayo is one of several teachers at Blair who have found a way to balance teaching and music.

I don't want to talk about it

By Nicholas Shereikis | May 5, 2016, 2:03 p.m. | In Features »

The biggest issue with commonly accepted depression statistics is that our current definition of depression itself tends to write off symptoms more prevalent in males, leaving unaccounted the societal trends that make men less likely to seek help or admit to having a mental disorder.

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